Proza „Secret Recipes” a prietenului și colegului nostru Costi Gurgu a fost antologată în volumul Tesseracts 17: Speculating Canada from Coast to Coast to Coast”, publicat de imprintul Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing din Calgary, provincia Alberta, Canada.
Seria de antologii canadiene Tesseracts, lansată de Judith Merril în 1985 a devenit celebră nu numai în Canada (i s-a decernat Premiul Aurora) prin nivelul calitativ al prozei selectate și prin numele autorilor printre care și William Gibson, Robert J. Sawyer, Spider Robinson, Élisabeth Vonarburg, Margaret Atwood, Robert John Colombo, etc.
Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing a postat și cîteva detalii biografice ale lui Costi :
„Costi Gurgu was born in Constanta, the 2600-year-old city on the Black Sea shore, and lives in Toronto with his wife, on the Ontario Lake shore. It is suspected that large bodies of water help Costi glimpse into other realms. That and some Dacian magic. His fiction has been published in Canada, the United States, England, Denmark, Hungary and Romania. He has sold three books and fifty-eight stories for which he has won twenty-four awards. He is currently working on two novels and his first screenplay.”
Felicitări, Costi și mult succes în continuare !
Lansarea antologiei „Tesseracts 17: Speculating Canada from Coast to Coast to Coast” a avut loc sâmbătă 19 octombrie la librăria Bakka-Phoenix Books din Toronto și online miercuri 23 octombrie pe site-ul „Bitten by Books”.
Antologia este coordonată de Steve Vernon și Colleen Anderson și cuprinde texte SF&F și horror ale unor relevanți autori canadieni, Catherine Austen, Jason Barrett, John Bell, Dave Beynon, Dwain Campbell, Rachel Cooper, Megan Fennell, David Jón Fuller, Ben Godby, Costi Gurgu, Alyxandra Harvey, Dianne Homan, Eileen Kernaghan, Claude Lalumière, Mark Leslie, Catherine MacLeod, William Meikle, Elise Moser, Dominik Parisien, Rhonda Parrish, Vincent Grant Perkins, Lisa Poh, Timothy Reynolds, Patricia Robertson, Rhea Rose, Holly Schofield, Lisa Smedman, J.J. Steinfeld, Steve Vernon, Edward Willett. Ilustrația copertei îi aparține reputatului artist de origine croată Tomislav Tikulin.
•Introduction: Colleen Anderson
•„Vermilion Wine”: Claude Lalumière
•„Night Journey: West Coast”: Eileen Kernaghan
•”The Wall”: Rhea Rose
•„2020 Vision”: Lisa Smedman
•„Why Pete ?”: Timothy Reynolds
•„Bird Bones”: Megan Fennell
•„Bedtime Story”: Rhonda Parrish
•„Graveyard Shift”: Holly Schofield
•„Path of Souls”: Edward Willett
•„Sin A Squay”: David Jón Fuller
•„Hereinafter Referred to as the Ghost”: Mark Leslie
•„Anywhere”: Alyxandra Harvey
•„Secret Recipes”: Costi Gurgu
•„Star Severer”: Ben Godby
•„The Lighthouse Keeper’s Wife”: Dave Beynon
•„Graffiti Borealis”: Lisa Poh
•„My Child Has Winter in His Bones”: Dominik Parisien
•„Team Leader 2040”: Catherine Austen
•„Sand Hill”: Elise Moser
•„The Ripping”: Vincent Grant Perkins
•„Unwilling to Turn Around”: J. J. Steinfeld
•„Pique Assiette”: Catherine MacLeod
•„Leaving Cape Roseway”: John Bell
•„Everybody Wins”: Rachel Cooper
•„In the Bubble”: William Meikle
•„Hermione and Me”: Dwain Campbell
•„Blizzard Warning”: Jason Barrett
•„M.E.L.”: Dianne Homan
•„The Calligrapher’s Daughter”: Patricia Robertson
•„Afterword”: Steve Vernon
Tesseracts 17: Speculating Canada from Coast to Coast to Coast”, format paperback, 336 de pagini, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, Canada, 2013.